Efavirenz Capsule

What is Efavirenz Capsule?

Efavirenz Capsule with the combination of other drugs used in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Efavirenz belongs to a group of drugs known as non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs). It works by lowering HIV levels in the bloodstream. However efavirenz does not eliminate HIV, it can reduce your risk of acquiring AIDS and HIV-related diseases such severe infections or cancer. These drugs, together with safer sex practices as well as other lifestyle modifications, may lower the risk of transferring the HIV virus to others.

Efavirenz Capsule – How To Use

  • Efavirenz is available as a capsule and a tablet for oral administration. It is generally taken each day on an empty stomach with water. Every day, at the same time, consume efavirenz. Some side effects will be less troublesome if you take efavirenz at night. Follow the advice on your medicine label properly, and if there is anything you don’t understand, talk to your doctor to describe it to you.
  • Use the efavirenz capsule exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not consume more or less of it, or use it more frequently than your doctor has suggested.
  • Do not break, chew, or crush the pills or capsules; take them whole.
  • If you are unable to take the entire capsule, you can still consume efavirenz by combining the contents with soft food and chewing it. To make every dose, break the capsule and drop the contents into a small container with 1-2 tbsp of soft food. Soft meals like applesauce, grape jelly, or yoghurt can be used. Be careful not to damage the ingredients of the capsule or disperse it in the air while spraying. Combine the medicine and the soft food in a bowl. The combination should have a granular appearance but not be lumpy. Within thirty minutes of combining the medicine and soft food, you must consume it. When you’re done, fill the empty container with another 2 tbsp of soft food. To make sure you’ve gotten the entire amount of medicine, stir it up and consume it. For the following two hours, don’t eat.
  • The ingredients of the capsule can be combined with 2 tbsp of room temperature baby formula in a small jar if efavirenz is being administered to a newborn who is not yet able to eat solid meals. Take care not to drop or disperse the contents of the capsule while empty it. It should have a gritty appearance but not be lumpy. Within thirty min of mixing, the solution should be syringe-fed to the baby. To ensure that you have administered the whole dose of medicine, add an additional 2 tablespoons of baby formula to the empty jar, mix, and spoon feed to the baby. The drug should not be given to the baby in a bottle. For the following two hours, do not feed the baby.
  • Efavirenz Capsule is an antiretroviral drug that prevents HIV infection but does not treat it. Even if you feel healthy, keep taking efavirenz. Stopping efavirenz without consulting your doctor is not a good decision. Your disease may become more hard to treat if you skip doses or stop accepting efavirenz.

Efavirenz Capsule – Precautions

Before taking Efavirenz Capsule

  • If you are sensitive to efavirenz, any other medicines, or any of the components in efavirenz capsules or tablets, notify your doctor.
  • If you’re receiving elbasvir and grazoprevir, notify your doctor. If you are taking this medicine, your doctor will usually tell you not to use efavirenz.
  • Ask your doctor if you have or ever had a prolonged QT interval (a rare cardiac condition that can cause fainting or rapid heart rate), other heart issues, or if you have ever consumed significant quantities of alcohol, or taken street drugs, or overused prescribed drugs. Ask your doctor if you have or ever had depression or any other mental disorder, seizure, hepatitis (a viral infection of the liver), or any other liver problems.
  • Speak to your doctor about any additional prescription or over-the-counter medications, vitamins, or nutraceuticals you’re taking or planning to use. Antidepressants, artemether, lumefantrine, atazanavir, atorvastatin, atovaquone, proguanil, bupropion, carbamazepine, clarithromycin, cyclosporine, delavirdine, diltiazem, Ethinyl estradiol, and norgestimate, etravirine, etonogestrel, felodipine Your specialist may need to adjust your prescription dosages or keep a close eye on you for side effects. Many other medicines may react with efavirenz or raise your chance of developing an abnormal heartbeat, so talk to your doctor about all of the medications you’re taking, even if they’re not on this list.
  • If you are pregnant or expect to become pregnant, talk to your doctor. During your therapy and for the next 4 months after your last dose, you should avoid getting pregnant. If you are capable of becoming pregnant, you must obtain a negative pregnancy test before starting this drug and use reliable birth control throughout your therapy. Efavirenz capsule has been linked to a reduction in the efficiency of hormonal contraceptives (such as birth control pills, patches, rings, implants, or injections) As a result, you should not rely on them as your sole method of contraception while undergoing therapy. Along with any other form of birth control, you must use a protective method of birth control (something that prevents sperm from entering the uterus, such as a condom or a diaphragm). Consult your doctor to assist you in selecting a birth control technique that is right for you. Contact your doctor if you are pregnant while receiving an efavirenz capsule.
  • If you have HIV or are getting an efavirenz capsule, you must not breastfeed your baby.
  • You should be aware that the efavirenz capsules may cause drowsiness, dizziness, or inability to concentrate. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery until you have a better understanding of how this drug affects you.
  • Consult with your doctor about safe alcohol usage while receiving efavirenz. The negative effects of efavirenz can be worsened by alcohol.
  • You should be aware that when taking HIV drugs, your immune system may become strong and start to fight other illnesses already present in your body, or cause other problems to develop. It’s possible that you’ll experience symptoms of such infections or disorders as a result of this. Be sure to notify your doctor if you develop new or severe symptoms while taking an efavirenz capsule.
  • You should be aware that your body fat levels may rise or shift to different parts of your body, including your breasts, upper back, neck, and stomach.
  • You should be aware that efavirenz capsules can alter your mood, behaviour, or mental health. If you have any of the symptoms listed while taking efavirenz, contact your doctor right away: Depression, suicidal ideation, planning, or attempt, angry or aggressive behaviour, hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that do not exist), lack of touch with the world, or other unusual thoughts are all signs of depression. Make sure your family is aware of any potentially life-threatening symptoms so they can contact your specialist if you will be unable to seek therapy on your own.
  • You should be aware that the efavirenz capsule might develop major nervous system problems, such as encephalopathy (a serious and potentially deadly brain illness), months or years after you get to take it. Since nervous system issues may appear after you’ve been on efavirenz for a while, it’s essential that you and your therapist recognise that efavirenz is to reason. At any point during your efavirenz therapy, if you have problems with concentration or coordination, confusion, memory issues, or other challenges or disorder caused by brain function, contact your doctor immediately. It’s possible that your doctor will advise you to discontinue consuming efavirenz.

Efavirenz Capsule – Side Effects

  • Dizziness, difficulty sleeping, tiredness, strange nightmares, and difficulty focusing are all common symptoms. These reactions generally appear 1-2 days after you start taking this drug and last for 2-4 weeks. They can also be minimised by taking an efavirenz capsule before a night on an empty stomach. While using efavirenz, stay away from alcohol and illegal drugs.
  • Fatigue, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea are all possible side effects.
  • Tell your doctor right away if any of these side effects persist or worsen.
  • Remember that your doctor recommended this medication because he or she believes the advantage to you exceeds the risk of adverse effects. The majority of people who take this medicine do not have any substantial adverse effects.
  • Indications of liver problems (such as continual vomiting, stomach pain, serious exhaustion, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine), mood changes (such as depression, thoughts of suicide, nervousness, angry behaviour, mental confusion), incoordination should be reported to your doctor right away.
  • As your immune system strengthens, it may be able to fight off previous infections, leading disease problems to resurface. If your immune system gets overactive, you may have symptoms. This reaction could take place at any time. If you have any severe symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss, serious exhaustion, persistent muscle weakness, severe or persistent headaches, joint stiffness, numbness of the hands/arms/legs, vision changes, symptoms of infection (fever, chills, breathing problems, cough, non-healing skin sores), signs of an overactive thyroid (irritability, nervousness, heat intolerance, irregular heartbeat, bulging eye) Unsteadiness, incoordination, difficulty swallowing/speaking/chewing, and trouble moving your eyes are all symptoms of Guillain-Barre syndrome.
  • Efavirenz capsule can induce a rash that is generally not life-threatening. A rash may appear in adults within the first two weeks of starting therapy, and if it is not significant, it will usually go away in four weeks. A rash may appear in youngsters within the first four weeks of initiating medication. However, it’s possible that you won’t be able to distinguish it from an uncommon rash that could indicate a serious reaction. If you get a rash, seek medical help right once.
  • Although a severe reaction to this medicine is unusual, get medical help right once if one does develop. Rashes, blisters, peeling skin, fever, swelling (particularly of the face, tongue, and neck), extreme dizziness, and problems breathing are all signs of a major allergic reaction.
  • Contact your doctor if you experience any other side effects not listed above.

Efavirenz Capsule – Some Tips for Use

  • Efavirenz is a drug which is used to treat HIV in combination with other drugs (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).
  • To reduce side effects, use it on an empty stomach, ideally before night.
  • Even if you feel better, do not miss any doses and complete the entire course of treatment.
  • You can also infect others with HIV or HBV. Don’t exchange needles or other personal objects that could contain blood or bodily fluids.
  • Your liver function may be checked on a regular basis by your doctor. If you observe yellowing of the eyes or skin, dark urine, or stomach pain, call your doctor.
  • During the first few days of treatment, you might feel dizzy or have strange nightmares. If it troubles you or will not go away, see a doctor.
  • While using this medication, use a reliable form of birth control to avoid becoming pregnant.

Efavirenz Capsule Supplier

Healthiza is one of the leading Efavirenz Capsule supplier and manufacturer, offering the best quality medicine globally through a validated cold chain secure shipment process. We use this process to manufacture, store and deliver medicines at a very specific temperature. Customers can avail of this premium quality pharma product at an affordable price from us.

Intelence Tablet (Etravirine)

What is Intelence Tablet (Etravirine)?

Intelence Tablet (Etravirine) is a drug that is used in combination with other drugs in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections in adults and children aged 2 and up who are no longer responding to existing HIV treatments. Etravirine belongs to a group of drugs known as non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs). It works by lowering HIV levels in the bloodstream. However etravirine does not eliminate HIV, it can reduce your risk of acquiring AIDS and HIV-related disorders such as severe symptoms or cancer. These drugs, together with safer sex practices and other lifestyle modifications, may reduce the risk of transferring the HIV virus to others.

Intelence Tablet (Etravirine) – How To Use

  • Get this medicine by mouth, generally twice daily, after a meal, as instructed by your doctor. Completely swallow the medicine. The tablets should not be crushed, chewed, or divided.
  • The dosage for children is determined by their weight.
  • If you have problems swallowing this medicine whole, dissolve it in a glass with about 1 tablespoon of water. Add extra water if necessary to completely cover the tablet. Mix the contents thoroughly until it resembles milk. To melt the tablet, use only water. Then fill the glass with roughly 1 tablespoon (15 millilitres) of water, orange juice, or milk and consume it all immediately. Drink all of it after rinsing the glass with extra water, orange juice, or milk.
  • It is essential that you continue to take this completely as your doctor prescribes. Do not use this medicine in larger doses or more frequently than recommended. Your situation will not recover any faster, and you may experience more severe side effects.
  • If your doctor tells you to, do not use less of this drug than advised or stop accepting it (or other HIV drugs) even for a short period. This may increase the amount of virus present and/or make treating the illness more difficult (resistant).
  • Take this drug at regular intervals for the best results. Use this prescription for the same period of time every day to help you remember.

Intelence Tablet (Etravirine) – Precautions

Before taking Intelence Tablet (Etravirine)

  • If you have an allergy to etravirine, any other medicines, or any of the components in etravirine tablets, notify your doctor.
  • Ask your doctor about any herbal supplements you’re using.
  • If you have or ever had a liver illness, like hepatitis, speak to your doctor.
  • If you are pregnant or expect pregnancy, talk to your doctor. Contact your doctor when you become pregnant when receiving etravirine.
  • If you have HIV or are using etravirine, you must not breastfeed your baby.
  • You should be aware that body fat can accumulate in several locations of your body, including your breasts, neck, chest, stomach, and upper back. Fat loss in the legs, arms, and face is also possible.
  • You should be aware that when receiving HIV drugs, your immune system may become stronger and start to fight other diseases already present in your body. It’s possible that you’ll experience indications of those diseases as a result of this. Speak to your doctor if you develop new or severe symptoms after taking etravirine medication.
  • Tell your doctor about any additional prescription or over-the-counter medications, vitamins, or nutraceuticals you’re receiving or planning to use. Make certain you include the following: anticoagulants (blood thinners) such as warfarin; antiarrhythmics such as amiodarone, bepridil, disopyramide, flecainide, lidocaine, mexiletine, propafenone, and quinidine; certain seizure medicines such as carbamazepine, phenobarbital, and phenytoin; clarithromycin; cholesterol-lowering medicines such as atorvastatin and fluvastatin. Many other medicines may interfere with etravirine, so be sure to notify your doctor about all of your prescriptions, even if they aren’t on this list. While you’re on etravirine, don’t begin any new medicines without first consulting your doctor.
  • While using this medication, consult a doctor about consuming grapefruit and drinking grapefruit juice.

Intelence Tablet (Etravirine) – Side Effects

  • Nausea is a possibility. Tell your doctor right once if this effect reoccurs.
  • Note that your doctor provided this medicine because he or she believes the advantage to you exceeds the risk of adverse effects. The majority of people who take this medicine do not have any substantial adverse effects.
  • Increased thirst, symptoms of kidney difficulties (such as a change in the volume of urine), mental/mood disorders (such as anxiousness, and confusion), and seizures should all be reported to your doctor immediately.
  • If any of these uncommon but significant side effects develop, get medical attention immediately such as chest/jaw/left arm pain.
  • As your immune system strengthens, it may be able to fight off previous infections, leading disease signs to resurface. If your immune system gets overactive, you may experience symptoms. This reaction could take place at any time. If you have any severe symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss, severe fatigue, continual muscle aches/weakness, severe or persistent headaches, joint stiffness, numbness/tingling of the hands/feet/arms/legs, vision problems, signs of disease (such as fever, chills, breathing problems, cough), signs of an underactive thyroid (such as irritability, nervousness, heat intolerance)
  • This medicine occasionally causes a severe allergic reaction. However, if you detect any indications of a major allergic response, such as a rash, itching/swelling (face/tongue/throat), extreme dizziness, or breathing problems, seek medical attention right once.
  • Intelence Tablet (Etravirine) can induce a minor rash that is general. The rash usually appears in the 2nd week of therapy and lasts for one to two weeks. However, it’s possible that you won’t be able to distinguish it from a rare rash that could indicate a serious allergic reaction. If you have a rash, seek medical attention immediately, especially if you have symptoms like fever, weariness, muscle/joint discomfort, blisters, mouth ulcers, or red/swollen eyes.
  • Consult your doctor if you experience any other side effects not mentioned above.

Intelence Tablet (Etravirine) Supplier

Healthiza is one of the leading Intelence Tablet (Etravirine) supplier and manufacturer, offering the best quality medicine globally through a validated cold chain secure shipment process. We use this process to manufacture, store and deliver medicines at a very specific temperature. Customers can avail of this premium quality pharma product at an affordable price from us.

Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet

What is Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet?

Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet is a medicine that is used in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in children and adults aged 2 and up, who weigh 10 kilos or more are given tenofovir in the treatment of chronic (long-term) HBV. Tenofovir belongs to a group of drugs known as nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs). It works by lowering the blood levels of HIV and HBV. Although tenofovir will not eliminate HIV, it may reduce your risk of acquiring AIDS and HIV-related diseases such as severe infections or cancer. Using these medicine as well as practising safer sex and following other lifestyle changes may reduce the risk of contracting HIV to others.

Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet – How To Use

  • Tenofovir is available as a tablet and an oral powder for oral use. The tablet is usually taken daily, both with and without food. The powder is usually taken once a day with food. Follow the advice on your medicine label properly, and if there is anything you don’t understand, ask your doctor to describe it to you. Tenofovir should be taken exactly as prescribed. Do not use more or less of it, or take it more frequently than your doctor has suggested.
  • Two to four ounces of soft food, such as applesauce, baby food, or yoghurt, must be mixed with Tenofovir oral powder. Stir the ingredients with a spoon until it is thoroughly combined. To avoid a bitter taste, take the combination immediately. Tenofovir oral powder should not be mixed with liquid.

Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet – Precautions

  • If you feel fine during treatment, keep taking Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet. Do not discontinue using tenofovir without first consulting your doctor. If you avoid taking Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet for even a short span of time, or if you skip doses, the virus could become difficult to treat and become more resistant.
  • If you are sensitive to tenofovir, any other medicines, or any components in Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet or oral powder, inform your doctor immediately.
  • If you have bone issues such as osteoporosis (a condition in which the bones get thin, weak, and quickly shatter) or bone fractures, or liver problems, notify your doctor.
  • Talk to your doctor about all of your prescription and nonprescription drugs, vitamins, nutraceuticals, and herbal supplements. Antiviral medications like Acyclovir, Adefovir, Cidofovir, Ganciclovir, Ledipasvir and sofosbuvir, Valacyclovir, Valganciclovir, and Velpatasvir and sofosbuvir; Aspirin and other NSAIDs like Ibuprofen and Naproxen; Gentamicin; other HIV/AIDS medicines include Atazanavir, Darunavir Your specialist may need to adjust your prescription dosages or keep a close eye on you for adverse effects.
  • If you are pregnant, planning for becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding, notify your doctor. Contact your doctor when you become pregnant when receiving Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet. If you have HIV, you must not breastfeed your child.
  • You should be aware that when receiving HIV drugs, your immune system may become strong and start to fight other diseases already present in your body. It’s possible that you’ll experience signs of those illnesses as a result of this. Be sure to notice if you develop new or severe symptoms while taking Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet.
  • Continue to eat normally unless your doctor recommends it differently.

How Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet Works

Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet is an Antiviral Drug. It stops viruses from multiplying in human cells. This prevents the virus from multiplying and helps clear your infection.

Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet – Side Effects

  • It’s possible that you’ll get headaches, nausea, exhaustion, or a cough. Contact your doctor immediately if any of these side effects persist or worsen.
  • Remember that your doctor provided this medicine because he or she believes the advantage to you exceeds the risk of adverse effects. The majority of people who take this medicine do not have any substantial adverse effects.
  • If you have any severe side effects, such as mood changes (sadness, anxiety, or confusion), indicators of kidney damage (change in the volume of urine), or excessive thirst, contact your doctor straight once.
  • This medicine can cause serious liver and blood issues in certain people (lactic acidosis). If you experience symptoms of liver disease (constant nausea/vomiting, lack of appetite, stomach discomfort), call your doctor straight away.
  • This medicine rarely causes a severe allergic reaction. However, if you detect any symptoms of a major allergic response, such as a rash, itching/swelling (particularly of the face/tongue/throat), extreme dizziness, or problems breathing, seek medical treatment right once.
  • Call your doctor if you experience any other side effects not listed above.

Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet – Some Tips For Use

  • Tenofovir has been prescribed to patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections.
  • It is used in the treatment of HIV infections in conjunction with other medications.
  • Consume it with food to improve the medicine’s circulation into the body.
  • Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet can make you feel dizzy or sleepy. Should not drive or do anything that requires attention until you have a better understanding of how it impacts you.
  • While receiving this medicine, you may still get infections or other symptoms related to viral infection.
  • You can also infect others with HIV or HBV. Don’t exchange needles or other personal objects that could contain blood or bodily fluids.
  • Regular medical tests are required during therapy and for at least 6 months after finishing this medicine to evaluate your liver function, hepatitis B virus frequency, and blood system in your blood.

Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet Supplier

Healthiza is one of the leading Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet supplier and manufacturer, offering the best quality medicine globally through a validated cold chain secure shipment process. We use this process to manufacture, store and deliver medicines at a very specific temperature. Customers can avail of this premium quality pharma product at an affordable price from us.

Trabectedin Injection

What is Trabectedin Injection?

Trabectedin Injection is used in the treatment of liposarcoma (fat cell cancer) or leiomyosarcoma (smooth muscle cancer) that has migrated to other areas of the body and cannot be cured with surgery in persons who have already received specific chemotherapy drugs. Trabectedin belongs to the alkylating agent class of drugs. It works by reducing or preventing cancer cell development in the body.

Trabectedin Injection – How To Use

  • Trabectedin injection is a powder that is combined with liquid and given intravenously (into a vein) by a doctor in a hospital or clinic during a 24-hour period. It’s normally given once every three weeks as soon as your doctor tells you should get it.
  • Depending on your reaction to the drug and any adverse effects, your doctor may decide to delay or discontinue your trabectedin injectable treatment. Discuss your feelings with your doctor throughout your therapy.

Trabectedin Injection – Precautions

  • To assist you to avoid side effects, your doctor may likely prescribe medicine to consume before each dose of trabectedin injection.
  • If you are sensitive to trabectedin injection or any other medicines, or any of the components in trabectedin injection, inform your doctor immediately.
  • Tell your doctor about any herbal supplements you’re using.
  • If you have or have previously had liver or renal disease, tell your doctor.
  • If you’re breastfeeding, let your doctor know. While getting a trabectedin injection, you should not breastfeed.
  • Consult your doctor about any additional drugs, vitamins, nutraceuticals, or herbal products you’re taking or planning to use. Certain antifungals, such as itraconazole, ketoconazole, posaconazole, and voriconazole; boceprevir; clarithromycin; conivaptan; HIV medicines, such as indinavir, lopinavir, nelfinavir, ritonavir, and saquinavir; nefazodone; phenobarbital; rifampin; telaprevir Your specialist may need to adjust your drug dosage or schedule or keep a close eye on you for side effects. Several other medicines may interfere with trabectedin, so be sure to notify about all of your prescriptions, even if they aren’t on this list.
  • It’s important to be aware that trabectedin injection can result in infertility (difficulty becoming pregnant). However, one need not rule out the possibility of becoming pregnant. If you become pregnant or expect to become pregnant, consult your doctor. If you’re a woman, you need to use birth control to avoid getting pregnant while using trabectedin injection and for at least two months after you stop taking it. If you’re a man, you and your female companion should take birth control while you’re on trabectedin and for the next 5 months after you’ve stopped getting injections. Contact your doctor when you become pregnant while taking a trabectedin injectable. Trabectedin injection can harm the foetus and increase the chances of miscarriage.

Trabectedin Injection – How It Works

Trabectedin relates to the alkylating agent drug class. It acts by adhering to DNA in cells and causing damage to it. This prevents cancer cells from proliferating and developing.

Trabectedin Injection – Side Effects

  • Headaches, fatigue, constipation, diarrhoea, body aches, skin discolouration, and difficulty sleeping are all possible symptoms. Consult your doctor immediately if any of these side effects continue or worsen.
  • Nausea and vomiting are also possible side effects, and they might be severe. If any of these side effects occur, contact your doctor straight away. Your doctor may suggest medicine to treat or prevent nausea and vomiting in specific circumstances. It may be possible to reduce nausea and vomiting by eating numerous small meals, avoiding eating before therapy, or reducing activity.
  • Many people who use this medicine may experience severe negative effects. You were provided with this prescription, however, because your doctor determined that the advantage to you exceeds the danger of side effects. Your risk can be reduced if your doctor keeps a close eye on you.
  • Trabectedin injection has the potential to cause serious harm when injected. If you develop discomfort, irritation, redness, or swelling at the site of injection, contact your doctor immediately. Treatment as soon as possible will assist to reduce discomfort and possibly skin damage.
  • Trabectedin Injection limits bone marrow function, which can result in a lack of blood cells such as red cells, white cells, and platelets. During therapy, your doctor will keep a careful eye on you and examine your blood frequently. Another medicine may be prescribed to lessen the chance of this side effect. You should not use trabectedin if your blood cell count is very low. If you get any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor immediately: Symptoms of infection include unusual weariness, pale complexion, and symptoms of infection.
  • This medicine has the potential to induce liver issues. The consumption of alcoholic beverages can raise the risk of liver disease. Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed. Blood tests will be ordered by your doctor to examine for liver abnormalities. If you have any of the below significant side effects, contact your doctor straight away: Yellowing of the eyes and skin, black urine, severe stomach/abdominal discomfort, and nausea/vomiting that persists.
  • This medication has a small chance of causing significant muscle issues (rhabdomyolysis). If you get any of the following conditions, contact your doctor immediately: Signs of renal issues include muscle discomfort, soreness, and weakness (such as a change in the amount of urine).
  • This drug can induce a blood clot in the lungs or cardiac difficulties in rare cases. If you develop chest pain, difficulty breathing, blood in your cough, swelling ankles/feet, abrupt unexpected weight gain, or exhaustion, obtain medical attention straight away.
  • This medicine rarely causes a severe allergic reaction. However, if you detect any indications of a major allergic response, such as a rash, itching/swelling (particularly of the face/tongue/throat), extreme dizziness, or difficulty breathing, seek medical treatment right once.
  • Consult your doctor if you experience any other side effects not listed above.

Trabectedin Injection – Some Tips For Use

  • Trabectedin injection is administered as an intravenous infusion (IV infusion) under medical supervision.
  • Do not miss any doses and follow your doctor’s instructions to the letter.
  • To avoid getting pregnant while using this drug, use an effective birth control technique.
  • If you observe yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, muscle aches, or a skin infection, call your doctor.
  • Regular blood tests can be performed by your doctor to examine your blood cell count, platelet count, and liver function.

Trabectedin Injection Supplier

Healthiza is one of the leading Trabectedin Injection supplier and manufacturer, offering the best quality medicine globally through a validated cold chain secure shipment process. We use this process to manufacture, store and deliver medicines at a very specific temperature. Customers can avail of this premium quality pharma product at an affordable price from us.

Vinorelbine Tartrate Injection

What is Vinorelbine Tartrate Injection?

Vinorelbine Tartrate Injection is used in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that has progressed to neighbouring tissues or other sections of the body, both alone and in conjunction with other drugs. Vinorelbine belongs to a group of drugs known as vinca alkaloids. It works by reducing or preventing cancer cell development in the body.

Vinorelbine Tartrate Injection – How To Use

  • Vinorelbine is available as a liquid solution to be administered intravenously (into a vein) by a doctor in a medical facility. It is typically administered once a week. The length of therapy is determined by how well your body reacts to vinorelbine treatment.
  • You should be aware that vinorelbine tartrate injection should only be injected into a vein. It may, however, leak into nearby tissue, causing significant discomfort or harm.
  • Vinorelbine Tartrate Injection is also used in the treatment of breast cancer, esophageal cancer (carcinoma of the tube connecting the mouth and the stomach), and soft tissue sarcomas (cancer that forms in muscles). Explain the risks of using this medicine for your illness to your doctor.

Vinorelbine Tartrate Injection – Precautions

Before using Vinorelbine Tartrate Injection

  • If you have an allergy to vinorelbine, any other drugs, or any of the components in vinorelbine tartrate injection, notify your doctor.
  • Consult your doctor about any additional drugs, vitamins, nutraceuticals, or herbal products you’re taking or planning to use. Certain antifungals, such as itraconazole and ketoconazole; clarithromycin; HIV protease inhibitors, such as indinavir, nelfinavir, ritonavir, and saquinavir; or nefazodone should all be mentioned. Your specialist may need to adjust your prescription dosages or keep a close eye on you for side effects.
  • If you have or have previously had liver problems, notify your doctor.
  • If you are pregnant, planning for becoming pregnant, or intend to father a child, consult your doctor. While getting a vinorelbine tartrate injection, neither you nor your partner needs to become pregnant. To ensure that you are not pregnant, you must get a pregnancy test prior to beginning medication. For females,  Use reliable birth control throughout your therapy and for six months after your last dose. For males, use reliable birth control throughout your therapy and for three months afterwards your final dose. Call your doctor if you or your partner gets pregnant while getting a vinorelbine tartrate injection. The foetus may be harmed by vinorelbine.
  • If you’re breastfeeding, let your doctor know. As per healthcare experts, breastfeeding is not recommended during therapy and for nine days after the last dose.
  • It’s important to be aware that vinorelbine can cause constipation. While receiving a vinorelbine tartrate injection, consult your doctor about altering your diet and utilising other medicine to prevent or cure constipation.
  • As per healthcare experts, Drink plenty of water and eat high-fibre meals like lettuce, spinach, broccoli, squashes, beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, full wheat bread, full wheat pasta, or brown rice. Make sure you follow the directions to the letter.

How Vinorelbine Tartrate Injection Works

Vinorelbine prevents cancer cells from replicating genetic material (DNA). As a result, cancer cell development and multiplication are prevented.

Vinorelbine Tartrate Injection – Side Effects

  • It is possible to experience nausea, vomiting, lethargy, constipation, diarrhoea, disorientation, muscular aches, joint pain, or discomfort at the injection site. Consult your doctor right away if any of these side effects continue or worsen.
  • It’s possible that you’ll experience temporary hair loss. After the procedure, normal hair growth will resume.
  • Consume dietary fibre, drink plenty of water, and work out to avoid constipation. To assist avoid constipation, your doctor may recommend a laxative (stool softener). Consult your doctor to determine which laxative is best for you.
  • This medicine may cause major negative effects on those who take it. You were provided with this prescription, however, because your doctor determined that the advantage to you exceeds the danger of side effects. Your risk can be reduced if your doctor keeps a regular check on you.
  • If you experience any severe side effects, such as persistent nausea/vomiting, lack of appetite, abdominal discomfort, yellowing eyes/skin, or dark urine, numbness/pain in the hands and feet, mouth ulcers, easy bruising/bleeding, lack of strength, new or increased difficulty breathing, cough, constipation, blood in urine, or mood changes, contact your doctor immediately.
  • If you experience this unusual but significant adverse effect: chest pain, seek medical attention right away.
  • Although a severe adverse reaction to this medicine is uncommon, seek medical attention right once if one happens. Rashes, itching/swelling (face/tongue/throat), dizziness, and difficulty breathing are all signs of a significant allergic reaction.
  • This isn’t a full list of potential adverse effects. Contact your doctor if you experience any other side effects not listed above.

Vinorelbine Tartrate Injection – Some Tips For Use

  • Vinorelbine is injected into a vein under the guidance of a specialist.
  • Do not miss any doses and follow your doctor’s instructions to the letter.
  • To avoid getting pregnant while using this drug, use an effective birth control technique.
  • Regular blood tests may be prescribed by your doctor to evaluate your blood cell count, platelet count, and liver function.
  • If you get a rash on your skin, your face or lips swell, or you have difficulty breathing, call your doctor.

Vinorelbine Tartrate Injection Supplier

Healthiza is one of the leading Vinorelbine Tartrate Injection supplier and manufacturer, offering the best quality medicine globally through a validated cold chain secure shipment process. We use this process to manufacture, store and deliver medicines at a very specific temperature. Customers can avail of this premium quality pharma product at an affordable price from us.

X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine)

What is X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine)?

X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine) is used in the treatment of prostate cancer that has progressed to other places of the body or has worsened. Estramustine belongs to the antimicrotubule agent class of drugs. It works by preventing cancer cells from growing and spreading.

X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine) – How To Use

  • Estramustine is available in the form of a capsule to be taken by mouth. It’s commonly taken three to four times a day with water, at least 1 hour before or after meals. X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine) should not be taken with milk/milk products, or meals high in calcium. Every day, consume estramustine at the same time. Follow the advice on your medication label carefully, and if there is anything you don’t understand, ask your doctor to describe it to you.
  • X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine) may slow the progression of cancer, but it will not eliminate it. It could take up to three months for your doctor to determine whether this drug is effective for your situation. During your estramustine therapy, be sure to let your doctor know how you’re experiencing. Even if you feel healthy, keep taking X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine). Stopping estramustine without consulting your doctor is not a good decision.

X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine) – Precautions

  • If you are sensitive to estramustine, estradiol, nitrogen mustard, and any other drug, tell your doctor.
  • Consult your doctor about any additional drugs, vitamins, nutraceuticals, or herbal products you’re taking or planning to use.
  • Take calcium supplements or antacids containing calcium, such as Alka-Mints, Tums, or Titralac, at least two hours before or after receiving estramustine.
  • When you have or ever had a blood clot, diabetes, high blood pressure, a stroke, chronic heart disease, migraines, seizures, or other factors that influence calcium and phosphorous balances in your body system, like parathyroid issue or liver or kidney disease, notify your doctor.
  • It’s important to understand that X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine) is solely for males. Estramustine has the potential to harm a foetus. If there’s a probability your companion could get pregnant while you’re on estramustine, you should use reliable birth control. Estramustine will not be used by pregnant females or females who may become pregnant. If you are using estramustine while pregnant, contact your doctor right away.

X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine) – Benefits

In males, the prostate gland is a little walnut-sized gland that generates seminal fluid, which nurtures and delivers sperm. The most common sign of prostate cancer is trouble urinating, however, it can also occur without any symptoms. By lowering the quantity of testosterone (a natural hormone in men), X-TRANT CAPSULE slows or stops cancer cell growth. This also makes it very easy to urinate by easing the difficulties in passing urine.

X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine) – Side Effects

  • It is possible to experience nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, flushing, dryness, migraine, leg cramps, reduced sexual interest, and male breast enlargement. Tell your doctor right away if any of these side effects continue or worsen.
  • Remember that your doctor provided this medication because he or she believes the advantage to you exceeds the risk of adverse effects. The majority of people who take this medicine do not have any substantial adverse effects.
  • This drug has the potential to elevate your blood pressure. Regularly check your blood pressure and notify your doctor if the readings are too high.
  • If any of the following unlikely but dangerous side effects happen: mood changes/depression, swelling of the hands/feet, worsening of seizures, or evidence of poor diabetes management, contact your doctor straight once.
  • Heart problems, strokes, and blood clots are all possible side effects of this medicine. If you get chest/left arm discomfort, migraine, weakness on one side of the body, disorientation, difficulties speaking, sudden vision changes, pain/swelling of the legs, breathlessness, coughing up blood, or sudden dizziness, seek medical help right once.
  • If you have any of the following rare but significant side effects: easy bleeding, stomach pain, persistent vomiting, dark urine, or yellowing eyes/skin, contact your doctor straight once.
  • This medicine has the ability to reduce the body’s ability to fight infection. If you acquire any symptoms of the disease, such as a fever, chills, or a persistent sore throat, call your doctor right away.
  • Contact your doctor if you experience any other side effects not listed above.

X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine) – Some Tips For Use

  • Empty stomach; take X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine) at least 60 minutes before or 2 hours after a meal.
  • Antacids, calcium or magnesium supplements, milk products, and multivitamins should all be avoided since they may affect with the medicine’s effectiveness.
  • To avoid getting pregnant while using this drug, use an effective birth control technique.
  • Do not discontinue taking your medication without first consulting your doctor.
  • Your doctor may order routine blood tests to check your calcium level, function of liver, and blood cell count.

X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine) Supplier

Healthiza is one of the leading X-Trant Capsules (Estramustine) supplier and manufacturer, offering the best quality medicine globally through a validated cold chain secure shipment process. We use this process to manufacture, store and deliver medicines at a very specific temperature. Customers can avail of this premium quality pharma product at an affordable price from us.

Rilpivirine Tablet

What is Rilpivirine Tablet?

Rilpivirine Tablet is a drug that is used in combination with other drugs to treat human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) in adults and children aged 12 and up who weigh at least 35 kg and have never had antiretroviral therapy. It’s also used in combination with cabotegravir in the treatment of HIV-1 infection in some people for a brief period of time. Rilpivirine belongs to the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors class of drugs (NNRTIs). It works by lowering HIV levels in the bloodstream. Despite the fact that rilpivirine does not eliminate HIV, it may reduce your risk of acquiring AIDS and HIV-related illnesses such as serious infections or cancer.

Rilpivirine Tablet – How To Use

  • Rilpivirine is available as a tablet that must be swallowed. It’s normally taken once a day with a meal (not simply a protein drink). When taken with cabotegravir, rilpivirine is normally taken once a day with a meal.
  • Take a rilpivirine tablet at the same time every day, either alone or with cabotegravir. Rilpivirine Tablet is taken for around one month with cabotegravir before starting therapy with the lengthy injectable formulations of these drugs, or for up to two months if the injectable care plan is missed for more than seven days.
  • Carefully follow the advice on your medication label. Rilpivirine should be taken exactly as prescribed. Do not use more or less of it, or take it more frequently than your doctor has suggested.
  • Even if you feel fine, keep taking rilpivirine. Stopping rilpivirine without consulting your doctor is not a good decision. Your disease may become more difficult to treat if you skip doses or stop taking the rilpivirine tablet.

Rilpivirine Tablet – Precautions

Before taking Rilpivirine Tablet

  • If you have an allergy to rilpivirine, any other medicines, or any of the substances in rilpivirine tablets, notify your doctor.
  • Tell your doctor if you’re using dexamethasone, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, phenobarbital, or phenytoin; proton pump inhibitors such as dexlansoprazole, esomeprazole, lansoprazole, omeprazole, pantoprazole, or rabeprazole; rifampin; or rifapentine If you are receiving some of these medications, your doctor may probably advise you not to use rilpivirine.
  • Tell your doctor about any additional drugs, vitamins, nutraceuticals, or herbal products you’re taking or planning to use. Make a point of mentioning one or more of the following: antifungal medications, such as fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, posaconazole, and voriconazole; amiodarone; anagrelide; chloroquine; chlorpromazine; cilostazol; ciprofloxacin; citalopram; clarithromycin; disopyramide; donepezil; erythromycin; flecainide; haloperidol;  Your doctor will need to adjust your prescription dosages or keep a close eye on you for side effects. Many other medications may interfere with rilpivirine, so be sure to notify about all of your prescriptions, even if they aren’t on this list.
  • If you’re using calcium, magnesium, or aluminium antacids, wait at least 2 hours before or 4 hours after taking rilpivirine.
  • If you’re taking cimetidine, famotidine, nizatidine, or ranitidine for indigestion, heartburn, or ulcers, wait at least 12 hours before or 4 hours after taking rilpivirine.
  • If you’re taking didanosine, make sure you take it at least 2 hours before or 4 hours after you take rilpivirine.
  • If you have or have had had depression or another mental illness, liver disease, such as hepatitis B or C, or renal disease, notify your doctor.
  • If you are pregnant or expect to become pregnant, notify your doctor. Call your doctor when you become pregnant when taking rilpivirine. If you’re breastfeeding, let your doctor know. If you have HIV or are taking rilpivirine, you must not breastfeed your baby.
  • You should be aware that body fat can accumulate in various locations of your body, including your breasts, upper back and neck, and midsection of your body.
  • You should be aware that rilpivirine can affect your mood, behaviour, or mental health. If you have any of the symptoms listed while taking rilpivirine, contact your doctor right away: new or increasing depression; sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, or restlessness; or contemplating, planning, or attempting suicide. Make sure your family is aware of any potentially life-threatening symptoms so they can contact your specialist if you will be unable to seek therapy on your own.
  • You should be aware that when taking HIV drugs, your immune response may become better and start to fight other illnesses already present in your body, or cause other problems to develop.

Rilpivirine Tablet – Side Effects

  • It’s possible that you’ll have a headache or have difficulties sleeping. Tell your doctor right once if either of these problems persists or worsens.
  • Remember that your doctor provided this medication because he or she believes the advantage to you exceeds the risk of adverse effects. The majority of people who take this medicine do not have any substantial adverse effects.
  • If you have any major side effects, such as mental/mood abnormalities, contact your doctor straight once.
  • As your immune system strengthens, it may be able to fight off previous infections, leading disease symptoms to resurface. If your immune response gets overactive, you may have symptoms. This reaction could occur at any time (soon after starting HIV treatment). If you have any severe symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss, extreme fatigue, persistent weakness, severe or persistent headaches, joint stiffness, numbness of the hands/feet/arms/legs, vision problems, signs of infection (such as fever, chills, breathing difficulty, cough, non-healing skin sores), symptoms of a thyroid (such as nervousness, anxiousness, heat intolerance, fast/pounding/irregular
  • Rilpivirine can induce a rash that is generally not life-threatening. However, it’s possible that you won’t be able to distinguish it from a rare rash that could indicate a serious reaction. If you get a rash, seek medical attention straight once.
  • Rilpivirine can induce a rash that is usually not life-threatening. However, it’s possible that you won’t be able to distinguish it from a rare rash that could indicate a serious reaction. If you get a rash, seek medical attention straight once.
  • This medicine occasionally causes a severe allergic reaction. However, if you detect any symptoms of a major allergic response, such as a rash, itching/swelling (particularly of the face/tongue/throat), extreme dizziness, or problems breathing, seek medical treatment right once.
  • Contact your doctor if you have any other side effects not listed above.

Rilpivirine Tablet Supplier

Healthiza is one of the leading Rilpivirine Tablet supplier and manufacturer, offering the best quality medicine globally through a validated cold chain secure shipment process. We use this process to manufacture, store and deliver medicines at a very specific temperature. Customers can avail of this premium quality pharma product at an affordable price from us.

Busulfan Tablet

What is Busulfan Tablet?

Busulfan Tablet is used in the treatment of some of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML; a type of cancer of the white blood cells). Alkylating agents, such as busulfan, are a type of drug. It works by reducing or preventing cancer cell development in the body.

Busulfan Tablet – How To Use

  • Busulfan is available as a once-daily tablet to be taken by mouth. Treatment duration is determined by the drugs you are receiving, how well your body reacts to them, and the cancer types you have. Every day, around the same time, take a busulfan tablet.
  • Follow the advice on your medicine label carefully, and if there is anything you don’t understand, ask your doctor to describe it to you. Busulfan should be taken exactly as prescribed. Do not consume more or less of it than your doctor has suggested.
  • Your busulfan dose may be adjusted by your doctor based on your treatment response and any side effects you experience. Do not discontinue taking busulfan without first consulting your doctor.
  • In preparations for a bone marrow transplant, busulfan tablets are frequently used in combination with other medicines to eliminate bone marrow and cancer cells.

Busulfan Tablet – How It Works

Busulfan is a cancer-fighting drug. It works by destroying the cancer cells’ genetic material (DNA and RNA). Their development and multiplication are restricted as a result of this.

Busulfan Tablet – Precautions

Before taking Busulfan Tablet

  • If you have an allergy to busulfan tablet, any other drugs, or any of the substances in busulfan, notify your doctor.
  • Tell your doctor about any prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, nutraceuticals, and herbal products you’re using or planning to use. acetaminophen; chemotherapy medications such as bendamustine, carmustine, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, lomustine, melphalan, procarbazine, temozolomide, thioguanine; clozapine; cyclosporine; itraconazole; medications for mental illness and nausea; phenytoin; or meperidine; Your specialist may need to adjust your prescription dosages or keep a close eye on you for side effects.
  • Tell your doctor if you’ve had radiation therapy or other chemotherapy treatments in the past, or if you’ve ever had seizures or suffered a head injury. Also, notify your doctor if you’ve tried busulfan in the past but your cancer hasn’t responded.
  • You should be aware that busulfan can disrupt a woman’s natural menstrual cycle and stop sperm count in men. You should not, however, presume that you will be unable to conceive or that you will be unable to conceive someone else. Women who are pregnant or nursing should inform their doctors before starting this medication. You should avoid having children while undergoing chemotherapy or for a period of time afterward.

Busulfan Tablet – Side Effects

  • It’s possible that you’ll have a darkening of the skin or a dry mouth. Tell your doctor right away if any of these side effects continue or worsen.
  • Many people who use this medicine may experience severe negative effects. You were provided with this prescription, however, because your doctor determined that the advantage to you exceeds the danger of side effects. Your risk can be reduced if your doctor keeps a close eye on you.
  • If you experience any serious side effects, such as persistent nausea/vomiting, severe stomach/abdominal pain, yellowing skin/eyes, or dark urine, contact your doctor right away. Other serious side effects include seizures, unusual/extreme tiredness, painful urination, toe/joint pain, fainting, fast heartbeat, and cloudy/blurred vision.
  • Busulfan Tablet has been known to induce severe (potentially deadly) lung illness in a small number of people. After months or years of using busulfan, this can happen. If you experience signs of lung illness, such as chest pain, breathlessness, or a persistent cough, contact your doctor straight soon.
  • Other malignancies may be caused by busulfan (acute leukaemia, tumours). For more information, talk to your doctor. If you see any cancer symptoms, such as strange tumours or abrupt weight loss, contact your doctor straight away.
  • This medicine rarely causes a severe allergic reaction. However, if you detect any symptoms of a major allergic response, such as a rash, itching/swelling (face/tongue/throat), extreme dizziness, or trouble breathing, seek medical attention immediately.
  • Contact your doctor if you experience any side effects that aren’t described above.

Busulfan Tablet – Some Tips For Use

  • A healthcare provider administers busulfan as an injection into a vein.
  • Do not miss any doses and follow your doctor’s instructions to the letter.
  • To avoid getting pregnant while using this drug, use an effective birth control technique.
  • Regular blood tests may be ordered by your doctor to examine the blood level cells in your blood.
  • If you observe unusual bruising or bleeding, or if you have dark, tarry, or bloody stools or a sore throat, call your doctor right once.

Busulfan Tablet Supplier

Healthiza is one of the leading Busulfan Tablet supplier and manufacturer, offering the best quality medicine globally through a validated cold chain secure shipment process. We use this process to manufacture, store and deliver medicines at a very specific temperature. Customers can avail of this premium quality pharma product at an affordable price from us.

Palonosetron HCL Injection

What is Palonosetron HCL Injection?

Palonosetron HCL Injection is used to prevent the symptoms of nausea and vomiting that can develop after cancer chemotherapy or surgery within the first 24 hours. It’s also used to treat and prevent nausea and vomiting that can happen several days after getting certain chemotherapy drugs. Palonosetron hcl injection belongs to a group of drugs known as 5-HT3 receptor antagonists. It works by preventing serotonin, a natural chemical that can trigger nausea and vomiting, from acting.

Palonosetron HCL Injection – How To Use

  • Palonosetron HCl Injection is given as a liquid solution that is given intravenously (into a vein) by a health professional in a hospital or clinic.
  • Palonosetron is normally administered as a single dose about half an hour before chemotherapy begins to prevent nausea and vomiting produced by chemotherapy.
  • Palonosetron HCL Injection may be given before each treatment cycle if you are getting more than one course of chemotherapy. Palonosetron is normally administered as a single dose soon before surgery to avoid nausea and vomiting produced by the procedure.

Palonosetron HCL Injection – Precautions

Before using Palonosetron HCL Injection

  • If you are allergic to palonosetron, alosetron, dolasetron, granisetron, ondansetron, or any of the chemicals in palonosetron injection, notify your doctor right away.
  • Tell your doctor about any prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, nutraceuticals, and herbal products you’re using or planning to use. Mention fentanyl, lithium, and migraine medications like almotriptan, eletriptan, frovatriptan, naratriptan, rizatriptan, sumatriptan, and zolmitriptan; methylene blue; mirtazapine; monoamine oxidase inhibitors like isocarboxazid, linezolid, phenelzine, selegiline, and tranylcypro Your doctor will need to modify your prescription dosages or keep a closer eye on you for adverse effects.
  • If you have or have ever had a medical problem, notify your doctor.
  • If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, notify your doctor. Call your doctor when you become pregnant while getting palonosetron hcl injection.

Palonosetron HCL Injection – Side Effects

  • The site of injection may experience pain, redness, or edoema. It’s also possible to get a headache, constipation, or diarrhoea. Tell your doctor right away if any of these side effects persist or worsen.
  • Remember that your doctor provided this medication because he or she believes the advantage to you exceeds the risk of adverse effects. The majority of people who take this medicine do not have any substantial adverse effects.
  • This medicine may produce an increase in serotonin, which can lead to a dangerous illness known as serotonin syndrome/toxicity. If you take additional drugs that raise serotonin, your risk increases, so inform your doctor about everything you’re taking (see Drug Interactions section). If you have any of the following symptoms: racing heart, hallucinations, lack of coordination, severe dizziness, severe nausea/vomiting/diarrhoea, twitching muscles, unexplained fever, extreme agitation/restlessness, get medical attention immediately once.
  • This medicine rarely causes a severe allergic reaction. However, if you detect any symptoms of a major allergic response, such as a rash, itching/swelling (particularly of the face/tongue/throat), extreme dizziness, or problems breathing, seek medical treatment right once.
  • Contact your doctor if you have any other side effects not listed above.

Palonosetron HCL Injection Supplier

Healthiza is one of the leading Palonosetron HCL Injection supplier and manufacturer, offering the best quality medicine globally through a validated cold chain secure shipment process. We use this process to manufacture, store and deliver medicines at a very specific temperature. Customers can avail of this premium quality pharma product at an affordable price from us.

Bendamustine Injection

What is Bendamustine Injection?

Bendamustine injection is used to treat chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) (CLL; a type of cancer of the white blood cells). It is also used to treat a kind of slow-spreading non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL: cancer that starts in a type of white blood cell that ordinarily fights infection) that has worsened during or after therapy with another drug. Bendamustine belongs to the alkylating agent class of drugs. It can be used alone as well in conjunction with other medications as part of a chemotherapy treatment plan. It works by eliminating existing cancer cells and stopping new cancer cells from growing.

Bendamustine Injection – How To Use

Bendamustine is available as a liquid solution or as a powder to be combined with liquid and administered intravenously (into a vein) over 10 minutes or infused intravenously (into a vein) over 30 or 60 minutes by a doctor or nurse in a medical hospital or clinic. It is commonly given once a day for two days to treat CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukaemia), followed by a 26-day period where the medication is not provided. This medication period is known as a cycle, and it can last up to 6 cycles if done every 28 days. When Bendamustine injection is used in the treatment of NHL, it is normally given once a day for two days, then no medicine is given for 19 days.

Bendamustine Injection – Precautions

Before receiving Bendamustine Injection

  • If you have an allergy to bendamustine, any other drugs, or any of the components in bendamustine injection, notify your doctor.
  • Tell your doctor about any prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, nutraceuticals, and herbal products you’re using or planning to use. Make a point of mentioning one or more of the following: Fluvoxamine, ciprofloxacin Your doctor will need to adjust your prescription dosages or keep a close eye on you for side effects. Many other medicines may interfere with bendamustine, so inform your doctor about all of your current prescriptions, even if they aren’t on this list.
  • If you have or have ever had cytomegalovirus infection, tell your doctor (CMV; a viral infection that may cause symptoms in patients with weak immune systems) Hepatitis B virus infection (HBV; an ongoing liver infection), tuberculosis (TB; a dangerous infection that affects the lungs and other regions of the body), herpes zoster (rash that can develop in people who have previously had chickenpox), or kidney or liver disease.
  • If you’re breastfeeding, let your doctor know. During your bendamustine medication, you should not breastfeed.
  • You should be aware that the injection of bendamustine may cause you to become tired. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery until you have a better understanding of how this drug affects you.
  • If you are using tobacco products, notify your doctor. This medication’s effectiveness may be reduced if you smoke.

Bendamustine Injection – Benefits

In Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL)

Non-lymphoma, Hodgkin’s commonly known as mantle-cell lymphoma, is a malignancy of the white blood cells in our bodies. White blood cells are cells that aid in the fight against infection. Bendamustine Injection inhibits the growth of cancer cells while also blocking the activity of other substances necessary for cancer growth and spread. To avoid illness, avoid crowds and wash your hands frequently. Unless your doctor tells you differently, drink plenty of fluids.

Bendamustine Injection – Side Effects

  • The majorities of side effects are minor and will go away as your body adapts to the medication. If they don’t go away or you’re concerned about them, see your doctor.
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, exhaustion, headache, disorientation, weakness, or mouth sores are all possible side effects. Tell your doctor right once if these side effects persist or worsen.
  • This medicine may cause major negative effects in those who take it. You were provided this prescription, however, because your doctor determined that the advantage to you exceeds the danger of side effects. Your risk can be reduced if your doctor keeps a close eye on you.
  • Due to the quick killing of cancer cells, bendamustine might induce negative effects. Your doctor may prescribe medicine and advise you to drink lots of fluids to reduce your risk. If you have symptoms such as low back/side discomfort (flank pain), indicators of kidney problems (such as uncomfortable urination), call your doctor right away.
  • Bendamustine injection can induce a rash that is usually not life-threatening. However, it’s possible that you won’t be able to distinguish it from an unusual rash that could indicate a serious reaction. If you get a rash, seek medical attention straight once.
  • This medicine rarely causes a severe allergic reaction. However, if you detect any symptoms of a major allergic response, such as a rash, itching/swelling, severe dizziness, or trouble breathing, seek medical attention right once.
  • Contact your doctor right away if you experience any other side effects not listed above.

Bendamustine Injection Supplier

Healthiza is one of the leading Bendamustine Injection supplier and manufacturer, offering the best quality medicine globally through a validated cold chain secure shipment process. We use this process to manufacture, store and deliver medicines at a very specific temperature. Customers can avail of this premium quality pharma product at an affordable price from us.

Atazanavir Capsule

What is Atazanavir Capsule?

Atazanavir is used with combination of other medicines in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in adults and children who are at least 3 months old and weigh at least 10 kg. Protease inhibitors, such as atazanavir, are a type of medicine. It works by lowering HIV levels in the bloodstream. However atazanavir does not eliminate HIV, it can reduce your risk of acquiring AIDS and HIV-related diseases such severe infections or cancer. To completely treat HIV infection, atazanavir capsule must be used with other antiretroviral drugs. Taking these medications, as well as practicing safer sex and following other lifestyle changes, may reduce the risk of spreading HIV to others.

Atazanavir Capsule – How To Use

  • Atazanavir is available as a capsule and a powder for oral use. Atazanavir capsules are taken once a day with food and may be combined with a pharmacokinetic booster, such as ritonavir or cobicistat, to enhance the amounts of another drug in the body. Ritonavir and atazanavir powder must be used together. Every day, around the same time, take atazanavir. Follow the advice on your medicine label carefully, and if there is anything you don’t understand, ask your doctor to clarify it to you. Consume atazanavir capsule exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not take more or less of it, or take it more frequently than your doctor has suggested.
  • While taking atazanavir capsule, you will also be taking other HIV drugs.
  • Your doctor will inform you whether you should take these medications at the same time as atazanavir, or even several hours before or after. Keep this schedule properly, and if you have any doubts about when you should consume your prescriptions, consult your doctor.
  • Do not break, chew, or open the capsules; they must be swallowed whole. Inform your doctor if you have been unable to swallow the capsules.
  • Foods like applesauce or yoghurt, as well as liquids like water, milk, or newborn formula, can be mixed with atazanavir powder. To get the complete dose, combine well and consume the entire combination immediately away. If you take the powder mixture with water, take a snack or meal straight away. The powder can be added with infant formula and given with an oral dosage syringe to infants (over 3 months of age) who are unable to drink from a cup; do not provide the mixture to the infant in a baby bottle. If the mixture is not consumed right away, it must be kept at room temperature for 1 hour before being consumed.
  • Consult your doctor if your baby vomits, spits up, or only takes a portion of the atazanavir dose.
  • Atazanavir capsule prevents HIV infection but does not eliminate it. Atazanavir does not cure HIV infection on its own; it must always be used in conjunction with other medications. All of the medications provided by your doctor to cure HIV infection must be taken concurrently in order for the medications to continue working to manage the virus. Even if you feel fine, keep taking atazanavir capsule. Your disease may become more hard to treat if you stop accepting atazanavir or skip doses.
  • Atazanavir capsule is also used to prevent disease in healthcare workers and others who have been exposed to HIV by mistake. Consider the risks of using this medicine for your illness with your doctor.

Atazanavir Capsule Precautions

Before taking Atazanavir

  • If you are sensitive to atazanavir, any other medicines, or any of the components in atazanavir capsule or powder, inform your doctor right away. It’s possible that your doctor will advise you not to consume atazanavir.
  • If you are taking any of the following medications or herbal products, tell your doctor: alfuzosin; cisapride; elbasvir and grazoprevir; ergot alkaloids such as dihydroergotamine, ergonovine, ergotamine, or methylergonovine; glecaprevir and pibrentasvir; indinavir; irinotecan; lovastatin; lurasidone; If you are receiving one or more of these medications, your doctor may probably advise you not to take atazanavir.
  • Tell your doctor about any other drugs, vitamins, herbal items, or nutraceuticals you’re taking or planning to take. Make a point of mentioning one or more of the following: Anticoagulants (‘blood thinners’) like warfarin; antidepressants (‘mood elevators’) like amitriptyline, desipramine, doxepin, imipramine, protriptyline, trazodone, and trimipramine; antifungals like itraconazole, ketoconazole, and voriconazole; bepridil; beta blockers such labetalol, nadolol Your doctor will need to adjust your prescription dosages or keep a close eye on you for side effects. Many other medications may interfere with atazanavir, so be sure to notify your doctor about all of your prescriptions, even if they aren’t on this list.
  • Take atazanavir 2 hours before or 1 hour after taking antacids, didanosine delayed-release capsules, or any other buffered drug, such as buffered aspirin. If you’re not clear if any of the medicines you’re taking are balanced, consult your doctor.
  • If you are pregnant or expect to become pregnant, notify your doctor. Call your doctor when you become pregnant while receiving atazanavir.
  • If you’re using cimetidine, esomeprazole, famotidine, lansoprazole, nizatidine, omeprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole, or ranitidine for indigestion, heartburn, or ulcers, notify your doctor. Your doctor may advise you to stop taking the drug or take it at a lesser dose.
  • If you have or have ever had an irregular heartbeat, diabetes or high blood sugar, haemophilia (a blood clotting issue) or any other bleeding disorder, hepatitis (a viral infection of the liver) or any other liver disease, kidney disease, or heart disease, notify your doctor.
  • It’s important to be aware that atazanavir capsule can decrease the efficacy of hormonal contraceptions (birth control pills, patches, implants, and injections). Consult your doctor about birth control options that will best for you while taking atazanavir.
  • Tell your doctor that you are receiving atazanavir capsule if you are undergoing surgery, including dental surgery.
  •  It’s important to contact your doctor as soon as you see any of these signs.
  • You should be aware that while taking atazanavir capsule, your body fat may rise or shift to different parts of your body. Your arms, legs, face, and buttocks may all shed fat.
  • You should be aware that when taking HIV drugs, your immune system may become stronger and start to fight other infections already present in your body. It’s possible that you’ll experience symptoms of those infections as a result of this.

Atazanavir Capusle – Side Effects

  • It’s possible that you’ll have a headache or nausea. Notify your doctor right away if either of these side effects persists or worsens.
  • Remember that your doctor recommended this medication because he or she believes the advantage to you exceeds the risk of adverse effects. The majority of people who take this medicine do not have any substantial adverse effects.
  • As your immune system strengthens, it may be able to fight off previous infections, leading disease symptoms to resurface. If your immune system gets overactive, you may have symptoms. This reaction could take place at any time. If you have any serious symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss, severe tiredness, persistent muscle aches/weakness, severe headaches, joint pain, vision changes, signs of infection, signs of an overactive thyroid get medical help immediately.
  • While using this medicine, you may notice changes in your body fat. The cause of these changes, as well as their long-term consequences, are unknown. Consult your doctor about the benefits and risks of treatment, as well as the possibility of using exercise to prevent this side effect.
  • A rash is a common side effect of atazanavir capsule that is usually not significant. However, it’s possible that you won’t be able to distinguish it from a rare rash that could indicate a serious reaction. If your child gets a rash, seek medical attention straight once.
  • This medicine rarely causes a severe allergic reaction. However, if you detect any symptoms of a major allergic response, such as a rash, itching/swelling, extreme dizziness, or problems breathing, seek medical treatment right once.
  • Contact your doctor if you experience any other side effects not listed above.

Some Tips For Atazanavir Capsule

  • Atazanavir should be recommended to take with food.
  • Even if you feel better, do not miss any doses and complete the entire course of treatment.
  • An hour before or 2 hours after taking Atazanavir, avoid consuming antacids.
  • It can make you feel dizzy or sleepy. Do not drive or engage in any activity that needs concentration until you have a better understanding of how it affects you.
  • While on therapy with this medicine, stop using erectile dysfunction treatments like sildenafil or tadalafil.
  • Your liver function may be checked on a regular basis by your doctor. If you suffer abdominal pain, darker urine, or yellowing of the skin or eyes, call your doctor.
  • If you are pregnant, expecting a pregnancy, or breastfeeding, tell your doctor.

Atazanavir Capsule Supplier

Healthiza is one of the leading Atazanavir Capsule supplier and manufacturer, offering the best quality medicine globally through a validated cold chain secure shipment process. We use this process to manufacture, store and deliver medicines at a very specific temperature. Customers can avail of this premium quality pharma product at an affordable price from us.

Zidovudine Tablet

What is Zidovudine Tablet?

Zidovudine Tablet is used along with other medicine, in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. HIV-positive pregnant women are given zidovudine tablet to lower the risk of infection spreading to the baby. Zidovudine belongs to a group of drugs known as nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs). It works by lowering HIV levels in the bloodstream. While zidovudine does not eliminate HIV, it can reduce your risk of acquiring AIDS and HIV-related diseases such severe infections or cancer. These drugs, together with safer sex practices and other lifestyle modifications, may reduce the risk of transferring the HIV virus to others.

Zidovudine Tablet – How To Use

  • Zidovudine is available as a capsule, tablet, or syrup for oral use. Adults take it twice a day, while infants and children take it 2 or 3 times a day. Zidovudine can be given to infants as early as 6 weeks old every 6 hours. Zidovudine tablet can be taken up to five times a day by pregnant women. Follow the advice on your medicine label carefully, and if there is anything you don’t understand, ask your doctor to clarify it to you. Consume zidovudine exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not take more or less of it, or take it more frequently than your doctor has suggested.
  • Zidovudine is an antiretroviral drug that prevents HIV infection but does not remove it. Even if you feel fine, keep taking zidovudine tablet. Your disease may become harder to manage if you skip doses or stop accepting zidovudine tablet.
  • In some cases, zidovudine tablet is combined with other drugs to treat HIV infection in healthcare professionals and others who have come into contact with HIV-infected blood, tissues, or other body fluids. Consult your doctor about the dangers of using this medication for your condition.

Zidovudine Tablet- Precautions

Before taking Zidovudine Tablet

  • If you are sensitive to zidovudine, any other drugs, or any of the other substances in zidovudine tablet, inform your doctor right away.
  • Tell your doctor about any additional prescription or over-the-counter medications, vitamins, or nutraceuticals you’re taking or planning to use. Make a point of mentioning one or more of the following: Doxorubicin, ganciclovir, interferon alfa, ribavirin, and stavudine are cancer chemotherapy drugs. Your doctor will need to adjust your prescription dosages or keep a close eye on you for side effects.
  • If you have or have ever experienced kidney problems, notify your doctor.
  • You should be aware that body fat loss from your face, legs, and arms is possible. If you observe this change, talk to your doctor.
  • You should be aware that when taking HIV drugs, your immune system may become stronger and start to fight other infections already present in your body. It’s possible that you’ll experience symptoms of those infections as a result of this. Tell your doctor if you develop new or severe symptoms after starting zidovudine treatment.

How Zidovudine Tablet Works

Zidovudine is a type of antiviral drug. It stops viruses from multiplying in human cells. This prevents the virus from multiplying and clears your infection.

Zidovudine Tablet – Side Effects

  • It’s possible that you’ll get headaches, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, or a loss of appetite. Notify your doctor right away if any of these side effects persist or worsen.
  • Remember that your doctor provided this medication because he or she believes the advantage to you exceeds the risk of adverse effects. The majority of people who take this medicine do not have any substantial adverse effects.
  • If you experience any major side effects, such as mental/mood problems, easy bruising/bleeding, or skin/fingernail colour changes, contact your doctor straight once.
  • While using this drug, you may have a loss of body fat (particularly in the face, arms, legs, and buttocks). This impact could last a long time. If you detect any changes in physical fat.
  • As your immune system strengthens, it may be able to fight off previous infections, leading disease symptoms to resurface. If your immune system gets overactive, you may have symptoms. If you have any serious symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss, severe tiredness, muscle aches/weakness that doesn’t go away, headaches do not go away, joint stiffness, numbness/tingling of the hands/feet/arms/legs, vision problems, indications of infection, indications of an overactive thyroid. Unsteadiness, in-coordination, difficulty swallowing/speaking/chewing, and trouble moving your eyes are all symptoms of Guillain-Barre syndrome.
  • This medicine rarely causes a severe allergic reaction. However, if you detect any symptoms of a major allergic response seek medical treatment right once.
  • Contact your doctor if you have any other side effects not listed above.

Zidovudine Tablet – Some Tips For Use

  • It is used to treat HIV infections in conjunction with other medications.
  • Consume it with food to improve the medicine’s absorption into the body.
  • Zidovudine tablet can make you feel dizzy or sleepy. Do not drive or do anything else that requires attention until you have a better understanding of how it affects you.
  • While taking this medication, you may still acquire infections or other symptoms related with viral infection.
  • You can also infect others with HIV or HBV. Don’t exchange needles or other personal objects that could contain blood or bodily fluids.
  • Regular blood tests are required during therapy and for at least 6 months after quitting this medicine to evaluate your liver function, hepatitis B virus level, and blood cells in your blood.

Zidovudine Tablet Supplier

Healthiza is one of the leading Zidovudine Tablet supplier and manufacturer, offering the best quality medicine globally through a validated cold chain secure shipment process. We use this process to manufacture, store and deliver medicines at a very specific temperature. Customers can avail of this premium quality pharma product at an affordable price from us.


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